Our Blog
Crane Services for Setting Rebar Cages
When you require crane services for setting rebar cages, your best choice is a provider with a proven track record. The Crane Guys qualifies as such a provider. We’ve been setting rebar cages for many years, establishing an extraordinary record of success – no matter...
Mobile Cranes Available for Lifting and Setting Large Trees
When large trees must be removed, moved, or set, mobile cranes often are utilized to carry out the job. If you’re facing such a task, you can count on The Crane Guys to deliver optimum results. We have an extensive fleet of mobile cranes available for lifting and...
Mobile Cranes Available for Setting Structural Steel
When new construction takes place, the pending structure often will be built on a framework of structural steel. This type of steel is incomparably strong. It must be -- it typically is used in towering high-rise buildings, bridges, and similar structures. Structural...
Critical Lift Services
When providing crane rental service, every lift presents its own challenges and risks. But when a critical lift must be tackled, the challenges multiply all the way up to the moon. This is tough stuff to deal with, and only the most committed are up to the task....
Crane Rentals That Require Crane Lift Rigging
When it comes to crane rental services, The Crane Guys boasts a stellar record. In fact, some would say our professional efforts define total perfection. One contributor to this shining track record is our finely-honed crane rigging services. Without question, rigging...
Request a Quote for Crane Service
When considering crane rental service for a project, cost will be a major factor. With budgets closely-watched, a project leader must know the price tag right up front – before making any commitments. Determining cost, of course, requires an accurate quote – something...
Schedule Crane Rental with The Crane Guys, Your Crane Company
If you require a crane for a major lift, you’d do well to schedule crane rental with The Crane Guys, your crane company. Why do we call it YOUR crane company? Because every step we take, from answering the phone to after-job cleanup is done with you in mind. Your...
Cell Site Removal
With 5g on the horizon, many changes are on the way. One of these changes will be the installation of new cell towers capable of powering the upgraded system. Of course, since new towers are going in, the old ones are coming out. Which means affected areas will have a...
Crane Permits
Providing first-rate certified crane service requires substantial preparation. Before the cranes, equipment, and support personnel arrive on a job site, The Crane Guys must lay the groundwork for success. One step we take during the preparatory stage is the...
Man Basket Rental
Whether you call them man baskets or suspended platforms, these important components often are used when a job requires a specialized lift. The crane man basket typically is deployed when equipment such as ladders and scaffolds simply won’t get the job done. Given the...
Cranes for 5g Antenna Installation in California
Even though 5g networks are still on the horizon, preparations for the upcoming change are underway. Already, new antenna fixtures are being installed throughout the golden state. The Crane Guys will have a big role to play in the transformation. With our experience...
40 Ton Crane Rental
No load is identical. Some cargo requires the lift-muscle of the most powerful crane; others are fine with a lighter-duty machine. For the latter purpose, The Crane Guys has developed an incomparable 40 ton crane rental program. Call: (562) 777-0600 When you select us...