Category Archives: Rigging Companies

Crane Rigging Service

Crane Rigging Service

When a heavy load is scheduled to be lifted, you’ll often need a crane rental company to get the job done. No problem with The Crane Guys on your team. We’re well-versed in the art and science of selecting the most suitable crane for every project that comes our way. And once the crane is delivered and set up, we’ll be ready to start the show, right? Well, not exactly. We’ll need to make certain the load is well secured. To handle this duty, we’ve developed a sophisticated program of crane rigging services. Depending on the services needed, we’ll provide a carefully chosen array of rigging solutions that maximize job site safety and performance efficiency.

Call: (562) 777-0600

the crane guys crane rigging planThe Crane Guys won’t, however, concoct a rigging strategy on the spot. No, that task requires the formulation of a solid crane rigging plan. During the crane lift planning stage, our strategists assess a wide range of variables, such as load weight, angles, crane rating, topographical conditions, anticipated traffic, and projected weather. The team is assisted by a snappy piece of design software called 3D Lift Plan. In a nutshell, this breakthrough technology provides a digital analysis of all relevant variables and translates the information into a precision, 3D rendering of the job site and equipment. Our own realistic, three-dimensional preview, if you will.

What is Crane Rigging?

Not surprisingly, many people often wonder – ‘what is crane rigging?’ An understandable question. And one best answered by going into some detail. As mentioned above, rigging is the process whereby a crane rental and rigging company secures a given load to an assigned crane. This process requires the use of various pieces of equipment designed for such arduous work. We might, for instance, utilize spreader bars. A spreader bar is a kind of beam to which slings are attached on either end. These slings are connected to either side of a proposed load, providing stability during a lift. Other rigging equipment includes wire ropes, turnbuckles, jacks, and many others, each of which has a specific function.

Crane rigging also requires the assistance of an expert in this area. Known as a rigger, this individual is responsible for securing all chosen equipment to crane and load. Given this immense responsibility, these experts must be thoroughly trained and impeccably prepared for their upcoming duties. To meet this need, The Crane Guys has developed a rigorous training program for prospective riggers. In fact, we offer a similarly thorough education to all prospective crew members. It’s all part of our commitment to maximize safety from every angle.

Crane Gigging for Various Types of Projects

Interestingly, there is no one way to get the job done. The Crane Guys offers different types of crane gigging for various types of projects. Generally, each type is defined by the specific equipment and the crane to be deployed. All of this is decided, of course, during the planning stage.

Are you wondering if our crane rigging service is available in your neck of the woods? Most likely it is because The Crane Guys covers a wide area of Southern California. We offer Los Angeles crane rental, Orange County crane rental, Riverside County crane rental, and San Bernardino crane rental. Quite a reach, wouldn’t you say?

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