Before you hire a crane for an industrial project, consider all the factors involved. One of the most important factors is the crane service you select. With so much on the line, a trustworthy provider is essential. From start to finish, the chosen crane rental company must be unfailingly reliable. The Crane Guys certainly qualifies for this distinction. With years of experience and a stellar track record, we convert every project into a major success story.

For The Crane Guys, industrial crane rental involves a great deal more than delivering machinery. You might say we’re like coaches – we offer the best crane rental and crane rigging capabilities available. Ask us anything about cranes, and you’ll discover we know them inside and out. From the winding drum and slewing platform to the hoist rope and upper sheave, cranes are something deeply ingrained in our knowledge base. Thus, when we provide operated crane rental, we also provide you the benefit of valuable knowledge. As a result, you’ll always get the right equipment for the job. No miscalculations; no second guessing.

Call: (562) 777-0600

Is there one star performer in our crane rental lineup? Not really. Every member of our fleet holds its own in any situation. Each has a job to do and the capability of doing it extremely well.

Crane Rental Services

industrial crane rental service

Our hydraulic crane rental service, for instance, offers ideal solutions for projects requiring the ultimate in brute strength and precision. We’ve employed hydro cranes to lift everything imaginable. The list of hoisted items includes a rather large DJ platform at a music festival, towering netting poles positioned on a driving range, and an Airbus. The latter weighed in at a modest 140,000 lbs. – undeniably in the upper echelons of raw tonnage. There’s just not limit to what our hydraulic crane rental can cover.

Boom truck rental is another important dimension of our mobile crane rental program. As with our other services, this offers an incredibly diverse selection. In our fleet you’ll discover the perfect boom truck for your project, with capacities ranging from 3-40 tons. Tip-height range is equally extensive, covering everything from 100’ – 150’. Our boom truck crane rental also includes spreader bars, specialty rigging equipment, and fixed man baskets if needed. Because of this depth and versatility, The Crane Guys’ fleet of boom trucks can deliver on virtually any job, small or large.

hydraulic crane rental service quality performance

No matter what type of vehicle or equipment you obtain from us through our acclaimed crane rental service, you’ll be pleased with the results. You’ll also be pleased with the broad spectrum of services we offer. Whatever the need, we have the solution. One of the services in our vast lineup is silo hoisting. Whether you require a silo to be removed or installed, The Crane Guys has the machinery and the personnel to carry out the job. That job, of course, can involve a diversity of silo types. Currently, the primary ones are bag silos, tower silos, and bunker silos. Each of these, as you can imagine, requires its own specialized handling. Adding to the importance of our mission, silos typically contain very important material. Grain, coal, cement, and sundry other forms of agricultural or industrial materials can be found within these enormous containers.

Obviously, precision is paramount when conducting a silo lift. Fortunately, The Crane Guys is recognized for its precision lifts, which guarantee the job is completed with maximum efficiency and safety.

This same commitment to efficiency and safety is evident in all our other services. Take our crane rental program for construction projects. The challenge here is dealing with the uniqueness of each construction job. We might be providing lift power for a new bridge, highway, building, and many other structures. As with silos, each of these has its own requirements that can be satisfied only by a provider with consummate skill and extensive experience. That describes The Crane Guys to a tee.

But of all the services we provide, perhaps the most demanding is the multi crane lift. Deploying one crane is demanding enough. Two or more cranes at the same time is a monumental challenge. What might require a multi crane lift? In the past, The Crane Guys has hoisted outdoor stages, as well as a 140,000 lb., 150’ airbus inside a hangar. We have handled various other loads, as well. For any of these challenges, detailed measurements and ultra-precision lifting is required. You can be sure both are consistently provided by our expert team.

Done Right & On Time

You’ll be pleased to know that our industrial crane rental services match quality performance with very competitive rates. In fact, thanks to The Crane Guys’ guarantee, there are none more competitive. Our guarantee is straightforward and simple — we’ll beat any written offer from a competitor by 5%. Any day of the year.

crane guys california industrial crane rental

But generous pricing is only way The Crane Guys does it right for our clients. Another way is by making sure we’re always available whenever needed. To that end, The Crane Guys offers another type of guarantee – our staff will be right here in our busy office 24/7/365. That, by the way, includes every holiday on the calendar and every hour of the day. No exceptions. Call, and we’ll be here. Guaranteed.

Clients immediately gain two advantages thanks to this policy. First, all callers get immediate attention followed by carefully selected solutions. Therefore, you’ll never experience budget draining delays on your project. Secondly, and almost as important, you’ll never face the frustration of being put on hold by a pre-recorded greeting – to the accompaniment of monotonous hold music. And even better, you won’t be instructed to leave a message. How long you’ll wait for a callback is anybody’s guess. Could be days. Meanwhile, your job is stalled by a major – and probably expensive — delay. So, call us today, and save in two ways.

Do you have a major load to lift? Don’t leave it to chance. Contact The Crane Guys to learn how our acclaimed industrial crane rental service can offer you the optimal solution at the most competitive rate.