Mobile Construction Crane

Many construction projects require a mobile crane to lift a wide range of heavy objects. If you’re responsible for such a project, you’ll probably ask yourself a key question — where can I get a mobile construction crane suitable for the job at hand? Clearly, you’ll want a service provider with a proven track record for reliable service and exceptional customer care. That describes The Crane Guys to a tee. Our company has supplied mobile cranes for construction to a variety of clients. We’re proud to say this group has been more than satisfied by the results.

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It’s important to know that construction crane rental is a process with many moving parts. And not just those located on cranes. Field personnel are one of these parts, playing a crucial role in the success of any crane project. To carry out a job, The Crane Guys utilizes the talents of three different types of professionals.

Crane Service Personnel

crane guys professional riggersThe first of these professionals is the signal person. As the name suggests, this individual communicates directly with the crane operator, utilizing hand and arm signals to guide the action. Does the boom need to rise? A crisp signal will indicate this movement. Should the operator lower the load ? Signals will communicate this as well. Think of the signal person as the conductor of an orchestra.

Heavy Load Rigging

Another important professional supplied by our crane rental services is the rigger. This person has the responsibility of securing all loads to the crane. Then there’s the crane operator, who utilizes various skills to make the machine do what it’s supposed to.

Together, this trio of experts is responsible for the performance of every crane for hire. But don’t worry about their reliability. All of them must meet the rigorous criteria set forth by OSHA. And we can assure you, they’re not easy to meet. Nor is the criteria we’ve established through our proprietary training program. Between OSHA and this program, our crane rental services raise the performance to exceedingly high levels.

Commercial Construction Crane Rental

At The Crane Guys, however, performance is only one facet of commercial construction crane rental. We also take great care to address many other priorities. Such as customer care. For us, this begins with availability. This means 24/7/365. That’s right. Just call our office. You’ll be pleased to hear a friendly voice answer the phone and immediately respond to your needs. No waiting. No finding yourself on hold while music drones in your ears. And, best of all, no answering machines to hang up on. Yes. Service is immediate. You have our guarantee.

Another guarantee provided by our crane rental program concerns your budget. It’s called The Crane Guys 5% Guarantee. This is it in a nutshell — Shop around and get a batch of price quotes for your project. Spend all the time you want. Then present us with the numbers. What happens next will amaze you – The Crane Guys will beat any of those numbers by a generous 5%. How’s that for budget friendly.

One other advantage you’ll get with The Crane Guys is full coverage. When you need a mobile construction crane for a project, we’ll likely be available in your neighborhood. We offer mobile crane rental in Los Angeles County, we offer mobile crane rental in Orange County, mobile crane rental in Riverside County, and mobile crane rental in San Bernardino County. Talk about being all over the map.

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