For virtually every construction project, a very large object or group of very large objects typically must be lifted from the ground and relocated to a predesignated spot. It doesn’t matter if the structure being built is a bridge, road, office building, or any other product of engineering ingenuity. Some type of crane rental will be necessary. In these cases, only a reliable construction hoist rental service will fill the bill. That’s the perfect description of The Crane Guys. We’re reliable because we’re knowledgeable, experienced, and committed to delivering the best customer service experience anywhere in Southern California.

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Mobile Construction Crane

Let’s start by looking at the star performer of this service – the mobile construction crane. As the name suggests, this piece of heavy machinery really gets around. Big and powerful, it moves with surprising agility through a construction site, lifting this and that as the job demands. Clearly, it’s the crane’s mobility that makes it such an asset in the field. Depending on situation, various loads may be scattered across a given construction site. Without the machine’s ability to shift from load to load, jobs would take much longer. That stretched out time frame, of course, also would stretch out the budget proportionately.

As you can imagine, the large hydraulic cranes typically used for construction duty must be maintained meticulously. And at The Crane Guys, these machines are maintained with extraordinary care. It’s mandatory. After all, hydro cranes are shining examples of mechanical sophistication, consisting of multiple moving parts with specific functions. Each one must receive our undivided attention.

crane guys construction hoist boom truck rentalConsider the boom. This is the metal armature tasked with lifting and moving all those loads. To generate that motion, a crane relies on the rotex gear. This component moves the boom side to side, as well as up and down. To top things off, there are various pumps, counterweights, and other important parts that routinely get our attention to ensure precision performance each and every time a crane is deployed. We don’t want mechanical problems any more than you do.

Sometimes a special kind of agility is required to move a crane from point A to point B at a construction site. In these situations, The Crane Guys utilizes boom truck cranes. These compact cranes are mounted on a small truck, which is nimble enough to thread its way in and out of tight spots. For narrow or restricted work zones, nothing beats these rugged vehicles.

Mobile Cranes for Construction Projects

It’s important to remember that The Crane Guys doesn’t just supply equipment for construction projects. It also brings plenty of talent to the table. Therefore, when we provide mobile cranes for construction projects, we also support our endeavors with the most qualified personnel on the planet. Consider, for instance, our team of crane operators. Raised to the highest performance level through our proprietary training program, these professionals have a full grasp of their duties. Not only do they understand the machinery in their control; they also comprehend even the subtlest details of their work environment. Utilizing this data, they make sound decisions that consistently ensure success. Clearly, when you choose us for mobile crane rental, the results will meet your highest expectations.

crane guys construction crane servicesConstruction Crane Services

What’s also notable about our construction crane services is the supplemental solutions bundled into the package. Among these are comprehensive crane lift rigging services. Designed to support all aspects of a mechanized lift, these solutions underscore our unwavering commitment to safety. Carried out by our rigorously trained riggers, these services create the necessary connections between load and crane. In the process of securing loads, these experts employ a wide range of equipment and devices such spreader bars and cables. Rest assured, our riggers  are keenly familiar with every piece of equipment at their disposal. The result? Precision and safety elevated to the highest level.

Extraordinary expertise also is evident in our pursuit of precision crane lift planning. That’s right. Long before the machinery rolls onto a project site, our team of strategists get busy formulating an action plan. In this endeavor, they’re reliably assisted by sophisticated software known in the professional ranks as 3D Lift Plan. This technological advance does exactly that – assists our strategists in the creation of a three-dimensional digital rendering of a project site. A kind of snapshot preview, the rendering includes a full spectrum of details such as expected weather conditions, topographic features, and potential hazards. It also allows our team to incorporate this data to plan every crane move in advance. As with our rigging processes, the result is incomparable precision.

Long Term Crane Rental

Chances are, your project won’t be over in a day. In that case, you’ll need wide-ranging solutions provided by a reliable long term crane rental service. The problem is, the associated costs can skyrocket in a hurry. Don’t worry. You can get relief by partnering with The Crane Guys. How can we help? In a nutshell, we offer a cost control program unlike any other. It’s called The Crane Guys 5% Guarantee. And that’s exactly what it is. It works like this. You go out and get a quote for your project from any of our competitors. There’s no limit. Contact as many services as you want. When you’ve gotten your fill, bring the numbers back to us. Then get ready for an exhilarating surprise. Because we’ll beat any of the competing quotes by 5%. No questions. No stalling. Just a 5% discount you’ll appreciate. Done.

Contact Us for These Service Areas

Are you wondering if we work in your neck of the woods? We probably do. The Crane Guys services quite a bit of Southern California … and then some. If you want all the details, just contact us for these service areas.

As you can see, we offer full coverage for anyone requiring first rate construction hoist rental solutions in the golden state. Just give us a call, and we’ll be happy to get the process started. We assure you, it’ll be a pleasant experience every step of the way.