Maybe you have a project requiring a crane with a 30-ton rated lift capacity. You can search all over Southern California for the ideal provider. Or you can go directly to The Crane Guys for instant results. Here at The Crane Guys, we offer SoCal’s premier program of 30-ton crane rental to clients just like you. Naturally, we also offer a whole lot more. In fact, our extensive crane selection covers quite a range – from 3 to 265 crane capacities. Clearly, there’s an excellent chance we’ll have precisely what you need. And in the unlikely event we don’t, our search team will locate the right machine by accessing our vast network of professional connections.

Call: (562) 777-0600

Our brand of crane rental begins long before the arrival of equipment and personnel. That’s because every project commences with the crane lift planning stage. During this crucial phase, our strategists do extensive analysis of a project site. The process involves a complete evaluation of numerous factors that affect the type of crane rental service we’ll provide. Everything from anticipated weather conditions to topographic features to potential hazards are scrutinized and factored into an overall plan. Also factored in are every crane movement and position needed to complete the lift. What results is a comprehensive preview blueprint of the pending project, allowing our team to visualize and plan every move in advance.

3D Crane Lift Planning

Our strategists are capably assisted by a technological marvel known as 3D Lift Plan. As its name implies, this handy piece of software enables our team to develop a three-dimensional advanced view of a project site. Thanks to the realism of this rendering, we achieve extraordinary precision on every plan. Basically, we know what to do before we do it. That undoubtedly inspires confidence in any client.

One of the most important considerations during the planning stage is how to secure loads to a chosen crane or cranes. This is where crane lift rigging enters the picture. Before the rigging configuration is selected, however, planners must evaluate a slew of variables such as load weight, distance, and projected wind speed. Equipment such as chains and spreader bars, therefore, can be chosen with maximum safety assured.

Multiple Crane Lifting Services

crane guys southern california multi crane liftsAt The Crane Guys, we tackle a wide variety of lifts, including the extreme and the unusual. For instance, some excessively large monster loads require more than one crane. For this challenge, we provide precision multi crane lifts ideally suited to oversized cargo.

Boom Truck Rental

Sometimes location and not load presents us with a special challenge. We’re referring to those difficult access areas, which are impossible to reach via conventional crane. In these situations, only a boom truck can maneuver its way into the restricted space. Since these situations often crop up, particularly for the HVAC and cell phone industries, we’ve developed a comprehensive boom truck rental program to accommodate a variety of needs.

Mobile Crane Service

Yes, The Crane Guys offers outstanding mobile crane service. But are we available in your area? The good news is, we offer high quality crane rental throughout Southern California. Just look at the locations we serve. We offer crane rental in Los Angeles County, crane rental in Orange County, crane rental in Riverside County, crane rental in San Bernardino County and crane rental in Long Beach. That’s The Crane Guys – always ready to go the distance.