What Type of Crane Do I Need?

Alright, you have a project that requires heavy lifting. Maye a whole lot of heavy lifting. And now you’re wondering – “What type of crane do I need?” For a satisfactory answer, it’s best to consult a team of proven experts — The Crane Guys. We’ll calculate the answer quickly and accurately. That’s because (a) our team has tons of experience lifting tonnage. And (b) because our company is well supplied with solutions. Put these two advantages together, and quick, accurate answers inevitably result. You’ll know because we know.

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Our solutions run far and wide. Just look at our selection of cranes. Extensive would be putting it mildly. In our inventory is a mighty fleet ranging from 3-ton rated cranes to 265-ton rated cranes for rent. Plenty of lift capacity in our yard.

Mobile Hydraulic Crane

Now what about the many different types of crane? Do we cover the territory? No worries there. We can supply virtually every type of crane under the sun, depending on the situation and conditions. A project might, for instance, call for the commonly deployed large mobile hydraulic crane. Many of those in our selection. Or maybe a crawler crane is the right machine for your job. The Crane Guys can supply those, too. And everything else in between. This includes machines for hard-to access spaces – the boom truck crane. Carried on the backs of agile boom trucks, these cranes service tight spots inaccessible to any other cranes. True to form, we’re well stocked with boom trucks, too.

But there’s more than selection involved when answering the question – what type of crane do I need? There’s also the little matter of expertise. Fortunately, The Crane Guys makes expertise imperative for all personnel providing the answers. Simply supply our customer service staff with the pertinent details, including scheduling, and they’ll channel the data to our assessment team. From there, numbers are crunched and conditions are analyzed to pinpoint the ideal solutions for your project.

24 Hour Crane Rental

It also helps to have a customer service team ready round the clock. You see, The Crane Guys has a unique and comforting policy for customers – dedicated personnel will be here 24/7/365 to take your calls. That includes holidays.

Emergency Crane Service

crane guys expertiseWhat about those special, sometimes surprising situations? Can we provide dependable crane service for those as well? The answer is a big ‘yes’. The Crane Guys can handle the extreme. This includes providing machines for multi-crane lifts and emergency crane service. Naturally, these, along with all of our other crane solutions, include the necessary support such as crane rigging services.

Does premium service mean premium prices? A natural connection. But in our case, an inapplicable one. That’s because we offer you, the public, our much-appreciated Crane Guys 5% Guarantee. The promise is this – you trot off to as many competing crane services as you like. Get their prices for comparable services. Then zip back to us. We’ll beat any price – any – by a generous 5%. Guaranteed.

Mobile Crane Rental

So, your next step is clear when a lift project demands an answer to this question – what type of crane do I need? Simply contact The Crane Guys, and you’ll get the right answer in record time. That, as with our Crane Guys 5% Guarantee, is something you can count on. We offer mobile crane rental in Los Angeles County, mobile crane rental in Orange County, mobile crane rental in Riverside County, and mobile crane rental in San Bernardino County

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