Emergency Crane Rental at Full Force

Municipal emergencies drop a heavy burden onto the shoulders of city officials. Every burst water pipe throws monumental challenges into their paths. Every power outage bombards them with impossible logistical demands. Seconds tick away, dollar damage climbs, and stress levels soar. The Crane Guys understands the ramifications of these emergency situations. Leveraging this insight, we’ve developed emergency crane rental services that meet these challenges full force.

emergency crane rental serviceOur emergency crane rental services offer many advantages, one of these being availability. For us, that’s 24/7/365, full accessibility. Call (562) 777-0600 night or day, and you’ll connect with a live rep ready to help — guaranteed.

Once the gears are in motion, we’re on the scene and ready for action. Speed, however, is only part of the equation. Emergency crane rental also requires precise vehicle selection. Cranes, weights, and dimensions must perfectly align. Even a slight miscalculation can prove prohibitively risky, forcing decision-makers to make time-draining, money-draining adjustments.

You needn’t worry about such costly mismatches with The Crane Guys at the helm. Our emergency team is guaranteed to arrive with the right crane strategically chosen from our extensive selection.

How large is our crane fleet? We cover the gamut, offering everything from 40 to 265-ton hydraulic cranes, as well as 3 to 40 ton boom trucks. For additional support, we also offer a wide range of service trucks and trailers.

Our commitment to precision extends to our emergency crane rigging services. Similar to cranes and vehicles, rigging is carefully chosen to match the needs at hand. And because our technicians can create custom rigging at our on-site facility, we’re never stumped or stymied by unique situations. What you need, you shall have. Your wish is our command.

As with our other services, The Crane Guys’ emergency crane rental prioritizes safety. For every project, we conduct a job safety analysis (JSA) and hold periodic safety meetings. In addition, our rigorous training regimen assures a crew qualified by the industry’s most important certifications. These include NCCCO and Cal/OSHA (10 & 30). To maintain their proficiency, crew members participate in ongoing educational programs. Yes, we want to be prepared.

You can be prepared, too. Contact The Crane Guys to learn more about our emergency crane rental service. You’ll soon discover why we’re Southern California’s premier resource when every second counts.

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